Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kitten Report - Sad News

I phoned London Animal Care Center today to get an update on the kitten. There was much searching on the other end of the line which should have given me a clue. But I was still shocked to hear that the rescued kitten had been euthanized. Apparently, there were two puncture wounds in its neck and the veterinarian felt that the animal was suffering.

I'm sad. It's good that there's a place to take a rescued animal, but I wish they could have done more for the kitten.


  1. That is sad news. Not the outcome you had hoped, perhaps, but still, if it was suffering, thank goodness you helped to get it to people who could do what needed to be done. Extra special hugs for our fuzzy-faced friends today!

  2. Oh sweetie! I'm sorry. But both you and the vet did the right thing. No one would want a poor kitty to suffer. I will hug my two kitties extra tight (even the one I think is extra evil!) and tell them the story of the little kitty angel in heaven!

  3. That story just breaks my heart... Poor little kitty..

  4. sigh. . .I had a funny feeling they would. They don't tend to go to any lengths for injured animals. It's not their fault, they just already have so much else to do.

    At least the poor thing had a nice home & full belly for one night!

  5. This is heartbreaking. Poor little thing.

  6. Oh Laurie, it's happened to me so many times, and your story hurts just as much as they all did. Can't do anything about it except send a hug. Of course we could just shut ourselves off from loving or even liking anyone or anything, which would certainly be safer, but then... Anyway, that's not possible, is it?

  7. I'm sorry about the kitten. That's so sad. :(

  8. That is very sad. I know Animal Care doesn't put any investment into cats and kittens that aren't in perfect health.

    For future reference to animal lovers out there - Animalert (www.animalert.ca) is a great organization and they believe that cats and dogs are worth investing in for their recovery. I foster cats for them and currently have a mother and kitten that are doing great - they were scheduled to be euthenized by Animal Care.
