Sunday, January 24, 2010

Betcha can't have just one!

I love my yoked pullover so much, I've accidentally started two more.  First I started one for Jim using another Drops pattern and some Elsbeth Lavold Classic picked up a while back.  But both Jim and I didn't like the placement of the colors so it had to be ripped. 

There's not enough contrast and Jim felt that one of the blues was too bright.  Ripping was no problem though because this yarn is lovely to work with and held up well.  Here's attempt number two and the colors are just right.

From here on, the light blue is the main color, knit in plain stockinette, so it was time for Jim to try it on.  But the results were disappointing.  It seemed tight at the shoulders and loose at the neck.  I was so frustrated.  So I put it aside, finished a pair of socks, dyed some yarn, and started another yoked pullover, this time for me.

Since the first one was so great, I decided to make the same pattern again, but it had to be different some how.  So I'm using sock yarn, with a bright colored yoke (Trekking XXL) and dark body and sleeves. Also,  I'll make it a cardigan so there will be a blue button band and collar.  In hindsight I think I was inspired by the tin I use to hold my knitting bits and bobs. 

It makes me happy. Before blogging, I got Jim to try on his yoke again so I could take a picture and ask for advice, but you know, it doesn't look so bad anymore.

Looks like I've got two sweaters to woo me. I wonder which will win?


  1. I certainly like the second colour choice. It is great. And from this distance and on the monitor, it sure seems to fit.

  2. I agree with Brenda -- would definitely knit a few more inches and try it on him again. Really nice pattern!

  3. Mary Jane6:03 pm

    Amazing how the placement of the colours next to each other changes the look of the garment so much. This is where swatching is really important.

  4. Wow, nice color choices on Jim's sweater. Once you unroll that neckline, it looks like it'd be at about the same place as his T-shirt ribbing starts.

    Can't wait to see how the Trekking plays out in your sweater. It's beautiful already.

  5. I like the lighter blue of Jim's sweater. Very nice.

  6. I have to say that I like both blue colour themes. I think the darker values would be great for 'deep of winter' specially on someone with fair hair and skin tones.

    But the lighter blues are great too, and probably a little quieter and happier.
