Spinrite Factory Outlet tent sale started today and I was there with bells on!! Here's what the inside of the tent looked like:

Here's what the lineup outside of the tent looked like:

And here's what I look like anticipating a super-bargain:

Honestly, I know quality is more important than quantity, but the deals that are available are amazing. And the sale is on until August 22. But I needed to get there early because I wanted to nab some Kroy. And I did! 40 balls of pure white for $60. Retail cost would be almost $240. They didn't have the color I wanted, but at that price, I'm going to take up dying!
But I should show you what all I bought. Here it is (dog for scale):

Oh! that's not nice, you want to see the actual yarns, don't you? Well fine then, here they are:

Now I must confess, I picked up a little bit of yarn for my best beloveds. That would be my mom and my mom-in-law. Mom agreed to split a bit with me before I went.
The yarn for my MIL will be a gift. She is 86 years old now, on a limited income, but still likes to knit for the church and for fairs. She only likes to knit acrylic and comes up with the most interesting color combinations. In other words, she's easy to please on the cheap. So she's getting mill ends and yarn from inside the store at 22 cents an ounce. I hope that when I'm 86 someone will bring me yarn to keep me in my habit. That is if I haven't knit through all this by then.
A good bit of that yarn is chunky and bulky weight. I don't normally work with such thick yarns, but I have specific projects in mind. For one, I want to knit this for Jim:

And for another, I still want to work a Cowichan sweater during the winter Olympics and there was a perfect super bulky roving at the sale. There were six huge balls in a bag and each bag was $8. Buy three get one free. I got a black, a grey, a white and a red which is probably enough for 2 sweaters or more.
This picture shows the chunky yarn for Jim's sweater at the top (100g ball) and the bulky roving at the bottom.

The yarn is actually bigger than it looks in the picture. Please refer to the stash picture for scale. The blue yarn is supposed to be an alpaca blend and is lovely and soft. I've no idea what fiber the white is. I'll have to do a burn test.
I got home before lunch, and even though I was slightly over budget, Jim was thrilled for me. He could see that I got some awesome deals, I didn't go too much over budget and he loves the yarn I picked for his sweater. He's such a sweetie!
Man! I had fun. I'm still grinning.....