Sunday, March 21, 2010

Laughing the Weekend Away

The homesickness only lasted that one night.  My evenings in Kitchener seem quite full what with working late and going for a long walk in my new neighbourhood.  Walking is my exercise and I love to wander, so there's a whole new challenge when you're transplanted to an area that's entirely new to you.  I'm building a map of the area in my head and as lots of people have already told me, Waterloo is twisty!  There's lots of winding streets, cut-throughs and double backs.

After my walk, I fix a quick supper, get cleaned up and then have a nice phone chat with Jim.  We have a couples plan so we don't have to watch our minutes.  It's sooooo nice to flake out on the bed and gab away at him.  We've been playing the "you hang up, no you hang up game", just to be silly.  A little bit of knitting and then I'm so tired I fall right asleep.

The weekend is the big pay off for my week of hard work.  Being away means that the whole family just wants to hang out more.  Jim and I have the giggle fits, the kids are hugging me and the dog is cavorting around like a puppy.  Someone told me that there would be a honeymoon period and then it wouldn't be as lovely and I wouldn't be surprised if that's true.  But right now, I'm loving and laughing my weekend away. 


  1. You're a knitter staying in a town called Kitchener? That's pretty cool.

  2. i'm betting you're going to appreciate some 'no boys' time for a little while, at least (never mind not having to listen to any boy 'noises' in your new room).

    congrats on the new job/digs. :)

  3. It seems to be true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Make sure you join the KW Knitters Guild

  4. I loved my break from the boys, bet the honeymoon will last a little longer if you're seeing them each weekend but I bet it gets old quick

  5. Forget about the "honeymoon" and enjoy it!

  6. But have you checked out the yarn stores yet......? :D
