Monday, April 02, 2007

All's Well that Ends Well

You guys are awesome! What a great gang of good sports. I was chuckling all day long yesterday. I particularly enjoyed Julie's comment that she yelled so loud, her husband came running. But really, everything is just fine with the Oregon Vest.

Steeking isn't so scary. I will admit that I use the scissors slowly and carefully, and I've never steeked anything but shetland wool.

I've still got a lot of work to do before the big reveal. The steeks need to be trimmed and sewn down, all the ends must be woven in, it needs a good blocking and I must go button hunting!
The pattern calls for two-stitch button holes. It seems rather small to me, but I went with it. I'm thinking that the reason for a smaller button is because there is already so much going on in this vest.

Patience my pretties. There is work yet to be done.


  1. It's going to be a piece of ART when you're done!

  2. You are an evil, evil April Fooler!

    Seriously, though, the vest is stunning. I am mui impressed. And in the spirit of Alice Starmore, I've recently acquired a copy of her "Fair Isle Knitting" book, after some hard-core hunting. Someday I hope to knit one of her masterpieces. For now, I will have to be satisfied with admiring yours. Kudos! :-)

  3. That is absolutley magnificent. Congratulations! I wish you much joy in the wearing of it. You have inspired me to persevere in my own fair-isle efforts.

  4. Anonymous2:59 pm

    Yeah, can I claim the Bloglines thing? I'm a horrible lurker, reading conveniently through the feeds rather than the blogs... no tags so absolute panic on my end. I'm so glad it's okay though! It's lovely!

  5. Anonymous3:32 pm

    With the annoying dial-up at the lake, I missed your joke until today. The vest is looking great! I can't wait for the big reveal.

  6. Anonymous4:32 pm

    I have no idea what steeking is yet, but I am thoroughly frightened now! :-)

  7. Anonymous5:03 pm

    YOU WEASEL!!! I was wondering what happened to the naked steeker!

  8. Anonymous7:55 pm

    You evil person! Tee hee. Good thing I didn't read your entry yesterday, I'm so gullible. The vest is simply yarn-licious!

  9. I am so glad I read this post before yesterday's. I'm not constitutionally able to sustain a shock like that right now.
