Sunday, April 01, 2007


I can barely type through my tears gentle readers. I've been crying for hours and I could just kick myself.

I've cut my Oregon Vest.

Yes, I the brave steeker, the one who likes to "steek naked", the one who needs no wine, or support group to cut her steeks, I have royally wrecked my precious Alice Starmore.

I think this is it for me as a knitter. I don't believe I can ever recover from such a disaster. I may never knit again.

There's nothing more to say. Thanks for everything.


  1. Okay, I think you got me!

    I was horrified for you and wondering what could have possibly happened during steeking. Just as I started to leave a supportive message I saw the tag for the post.

    hmmm, you know what that makes me...

  2. Yeah, well, Denise, she got me, too! I can't even believe you did that, Laurie. I'm so not prepared for April Fool's jokes! So tell us you were kidding, and let's see what it REALLY looks like....

  3. Anonymous9:52 am

    Ok, I'll confess - got me too! Can't wait to see what it really looks like.

  4. Anonymous10:08 am

    LOL - You're evil! I yelled out "OH NO!" so loud DH came running in from the living room. ;o)

  5. You got me, you clever girl!

  6. tsk, tsk, tsk... You got me too!

  7. OMG. I actually was going to come out of lurkdome to offer my condolences for your sweater. Then I saw the label for this post. You got me too.

  8. Good thing I clicked from Bloglines to the real blog page. The tags don't show up in Bloglines.

    Now I can breathe again.

  9. Anonymous12:33 pm

    I bet you knit and knit and knit to finish the vest just for this. You didn't fool me cause I know you better.

  10. hahaha! i am WAY too serious; instead of being fooled i was like, "wait! isn't that where she is SUPPOSED to cut it? i don't get it"

    i was so busy trying to "get" it that i had to click on the comments to look for clues (still didn't look atthe tag).

    oh laurie. i am way too serious. and you are way too fun!

  11. I read today's entry on Bloglines and you had me until I clicked over to your site; then I saw the tag - April Fools!

    You royally scared me; steeks are frightening enough on their own.

  12. Anonymous4:27 pm

    You are so cruel to your readers!! I kept saying "Oh No, Oh No"
    But I have to WAS a good one!!!!

  13. Hee hee. I was worried about you for a minute there. :-)

  14. OMG. My son almost had to perform CPR... Good one!

  15. Anonymous4:30 pm

    You are mean!! I didn't even get the fool until I logged on to comment! :( I felt sick to my stomach for you. Nasty girl ;) LOL

  16. The tags don't show when you read on Bloglines... You got me! --Syl
