Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Dream of Yarn....

The TechPubs team where I work has been in training sessions all week, learning to use a very complex tool. We've had a fair bit of frustrations, and at such moments I find myself dreaming of yarn. Never mind the stash, I want to wander a yarn store and fondle something new. And although I am within walking distance of a most tempting LYS, I haven't had quite enough time to make the trip at lunch, or after work.

Luckily, I will be making a trip this weekend with my mother. It's her birthday soon, so I've got a pair of hand knit socks for her and we're going to yarn crawl to Len's Mills. My mother-in-law is out of yarn, so I need to stock her up. Fortunately, she likes acrylic and I don't, so I'm never tempted to keep what I buy for her. I think my mom has some leftovers she's going to share too.

Today I did manage to squeak in a trip to the London Public Library. I always search through their used books and this time I managed to nab these three:

I was trying to decide which one to get, when I noticed the price, $3 each. So I got them all! Knitty-Kat, did you say you were looking for another copy of The Complete Encyclopedia of Stichery? Send me a message if you want it! I did manage to snatch a read in The Complete Encyclopedia of Needlework which was pretty funny since it advises the reader to use asbestos to keep needles polished and damp hands dry. The third book is The Reinhold Book of Needlecraft.

I also managed to get a fair bit of sock knitting done, in between reboots, syncs, and troubleshooting.

This is the vintage Paton's pattern called Diamond. I like it well enough, but it's a large sock, you know?

I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to the weekend!


  1. Your lys looks yummy. It's a good thing London is too far for me to go with my truck!

  2. Hey! $3 a book, not bad lady!! And the sock - I think it's lovely. At least the "bigness" is in the leg, you can always make it smaller in the foot (where it counts!)

    Hope you have an awesome weekend!
