The Yarn Harlot would have been proud to see us whooping it up, carrying on and generally perplexing the muggles. We fondled yarn, socks in progress and an especially gorgeous Tangled Yoke sweater that was still being worn by its knitter! I think the guys in the bar were very curious at that point. There were feet on the table as one knitter tried on her socks. One of the male knitters present obligingly flexed his biceps for any female that cared to give them a squeeze. He was knitting a long cabled scarf, his first, for his lady love who didn't mind sharing a little bit.
My proudest moment was being crowned the "Shawl Queen". When I think of the shawls produced by talented knitters across the blogosphere, I can only cry, "I am not worthy!" And I did so protest. But, then I was asked what shawls I have knit and when I tallied them up, well, I must confess there were a few. So, I will proudly accept my title, with the caveat that it is only for the London area.
Here is the Mystic Light shawl, knit up to the end of clue 2.

I finished a pair of socks on Sunday (they deserve a proper photoshoot, so I'll wait to show them to you). I had nothing on the needles. Never mind that I have about three sweaters in various stages of progress. I don't want to knit a sweater, with all that angst over fit, and measurements and (horror) gauge. No, I want something fun, interesting, yet soft and relaxing. So, yup, you guessed it:

I dare say your realm will extend well beyond London!
ReplyDeleteoh i love that red shawl! pretty yarn, what is it?
ReplyDeleteand maybe you were keeping bee fields for spring (or to bring on spring?).
Excellent summary of our night out! I had a blast!
ReplyDeleteWill and I had a blast, and no, I don't mind sharing, his biceps are wonderful and need to be shared!
ReplyDeleteHe finished his scarf a bit ago and its awesome, and guess what?! I even started knitting socks! *gasp* Very simple ones, mind you! hehe.