In the spirit of the season, I present to you a whole whack of stuff that you don't really have time for. I don't really have time for it either, but what the hey! tis the season to drive ourselves nuts with an overblown sense of obligation.

Look, I finished my sweet spring socks. I'm going to save them to wear around the house Christmas morning. You could say they are a present to myself.
This next shot shows my last Rockin' Sock Club STR shipment. I'm glad I signed up for the club, but won't do it again. I don't like STR for socks. It doesn't wear well and the colors are too busy for the most part.

I love the red, called Mustang Sally, and I think it deserves to be knit into something finer than socks. The rainbow colored skien is my bonus one. It's called Rare Gems and while I think the colors are lovely in the skein, I'm a little concerned about how they'll look mashed together when knit up. I'm thinking that it may make a lovely pair of Fiber Fish mittens though.
Speaking of which, I've received some shots of finished
Fiber Fish mittens. Get a load of these.
Lisa'sAren't they awesome? I'm blown away with the creativity people show and the many different permutations of fish. They almost come alive!
The sleeve/swatch is on hiatus while I puzzle out gauge and size and schtuff like that. Instead, I'm thinking that my husband should also have new socks for Christmas morning. I started putting the ankle on his socks and added this little detail.

I really like it. It's your basic herringbone, but without the yarn overs so it won't be lacy. Instead I'm doing a make one in the stitch below. Also, I've added 2 purl stitches on either side to give back some of the stretch that is lost with a biased stitch. Best of all, Jim approved.
As if all that wasn't enough, Carrie at
The Barefoot Cobbler tagged me for the weird meme. I've been embracing my weirdness since I was fourteen. How could I refuse? So here you go, six weird things about me:
1. I'm a techwriter, but I make up silly words and phrases all the time. I give my boys "smoochies" and when I'm happy I get "wiggly puppy butt."
2. I'm not religious, but I always put the nativity up every Christmas. I bought some of the pieces for myself when I was 14, and my mother and brother suprised me with the rest as a Christmas present. My dad built me the stable.

3. I learned to read in kindergarten.
4. I've never been hung over, or drank so much that I got sick. I do drink, but I always stop just when the world starts to seem slurry.
5. I believe in magic. I believe that people, places, objects and rituals can evoke power within ourselves that can effect change. Therefore I treat such things with respect and try to create some magic now and then.
6. I like playing with toys and it doesn't really seem like Christmas without getting one for a present.
Finally, I will leave you with a picture of my sheep ornament. Just to give this blog post that one last shot of Christmas excess.