8:00 AM - grocery shop
9:00 - knit
10:00 - clean a bit, make cranberry sauce and carrot soup
11:00 - watch Avatar (while knitting)
11:30 - cook turkey noodle soup for lunch, blanch green beans
12:00 - eat delicious soup (recipe from Canadian Living)
12:30 - make sweet potatoes with orange glaze, and pesto for carrot soup. Clean messy kitchen!
1:30 - sit and knit a bit
3:00 - glorious walk in the woods with husband
4:00 - sit and knit a bit more
5:30 - make cabbage salad, grilled steak and fresh bread for supper. Clean up.
6:30 - sit and knit the evening away
And what do I have to show for this day? A full fridge, a messy house, and this:

All in all, a really good day. I hope yours was most excellent too.
Oh, I just re-read that and you all are going to be so confused by the turkey soup. See, we had leftovers. We went to a wedding last weekend and it was a potluck so we brought some turkey all sliced up. We picked the bones for the leftovers for soup, which I made today. It was a really fun wedding. I'll show you some pictures.
Here's Jim and I before the wedding. I wore the Galaxy Shawl and was complimented on it.

And this is the newly weds, Jason and Erin:

LOL! What a fun wedding. Great job with the sweater!