Needles: 6 mm
Yarn: Alpaca Cashmere Tweed
It works as expected and was ready quickly. I think I'd like one in laceweight one day. I wore it this morning during Dexter's daily walk at our local dog park. Trying to walk at the dog park today was futile due to the ice that coated all the paths. We would have been better off with skates on our feet. It's funny to watch the dogs skid out though.
I've finished one Chalet sock and I'm turning the heel on the second one, so my thoughts are turning towards my next project. I'm waffling between a really large project, or another something small, but for me. During the Christmas knitting I kept thinking how I'd like a warmer hat, or a new pair of mittens or a pair of boot socks. But I've been sorting through my magazines, including the ones I got from Ted at FibreFest North and I've made some discoveries. For example in a 1986 issue of Interweave Knits, I found the Rib Warmer pattern, including a variation with sleeves. Also, an afghan by Nicky Epstein that has a different square for each season, all done in intarsia!
I should take my time, and perhaps finish up some other things on the needles, such as Lizard Ridge or perhaps that long neglected Lopi Sweater. I don't relish doing fair isle sleeves though.
Well, I'm sure I will sort myself out in time.... In the meantime, I'm having fun trolling through Ravelry and my magazines.
Hey, if you like to read about sheep and sheep-herding, then you might like to check out Shepard Chik's Musings. I particularly enjoyed the pictures of the fleeces. They looked good to my ignorant eye.
Neckwarm looks lovely. I'll be making the one currently up on Knitty. Only mine will be made from sock yarn not mohair.