I had a knit-snit this weekend, where none of my projects was good enough to knit. So Saturday afternoon I went out side with yarn, needles and a couple of stitch dictionaries and I came up with this:

I like the center stitch, but I think the bars in the edging are a bit much. Noodling around did the trick however, because after that I was happy to work on my projects again.
The other thing I did this weekend was take a trip to
London Yarns and Machines. My knit buddies were telling me that they have some great new yarns in. I really like this store and I feel like I should buy more often from them. They are located only a five minute drive from where I live. They've got
Koigu now, as well as Misty Alpaca,
Mission Falls and a variety of sock yarns.

Needles and Pins is a 15 minute walk from work for me. This store tempts me even more because it right there when I have time on my hands. Also, it is chock to the brim with high-end yarns like
Debbie Bliss and even
Habu now.

But the truth is I buy very little from either of these stores. Most of my shopping tends to be done at knitting fairs. There's something about the group high of all that yarn that loosens my purse strings.
Sometimes the local yarn stores just don't have what I want. I'm going to knit this for my father:

And I'm ordering the yarn on-line from
Jameison & Smith. I've also added some yarn for a shawl to my order and the entire total, including shipping, comes to about $101 Canadian. How can the local stores beat that? And have you seen the
J&S color card? Whew!
So the issue here is while I want to support my local yarn stores, I don't and I feel just a teensy bit guilty about that.