Saturday, September 02, 2006

I hab a cold ib my node

Thanks for your sympathy regarding my horror story. Carrie, I will try to post a picture of the horror, but right now, I'm not fit to be seen by man or beast. I am currently in the running to replace Rudolph at the front of Santa's sleigh. My nose, she glows!

So we're doing just about nothing this holiday weekend. I'm sick, it's raining and their are crafty things to be done! I lengthened a pair of socks for my mother-in-law. The longer one has the grey toe and is on the bottom.

For those inquiring minds, this is Sock Bug's River Rapids pattern knit with Trekking XXL, and they were a Mother's Day present. Not much use if they don't fit properly though.

For a break from knitting, I created some stitchmarkers. I bought the fish bead in honour of my fish mittens. What do you think Maureen, am I a credit to your teaching? I had to quit after these four because I broke a pin and my nose started to drip. (Oops! TMI)

And in a fit of cold medicine induced nuttiness I started knitting the Austrian socks from Socks, Socks, Socks. I had to try it on to see if it would fit over my calf. I have generous calves, thanks in part to regular walking. I have started going back to the gym in the last month and while I expect to get toned and to therefore "shrink" somewhat I know from experience that my calves don't get smaller. So now that I know they fit, I can carry on. At least until the cold medicine wears off.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:25 pm

    Sorry you are not feeling well. the socks are lovely and so are the stitch markers.
